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900 Pendleton St, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale

Alexandria Area Real Estate Aspects

There's a lot to appreciate about this home in 22314. But is 900 Pendleton St the right home for you? There are an almost unlimited number of variables in play.

Your home purchase is your opportunity to find that one unique property for you. But to get what you want, you need to know what you want.

Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you. Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this community's most common cool systems are central a/c? How many bedrooms do you need? 900 Pendleton St is a 3-bedroom detached home. Continue reading "900 Pendleton St, Alexandria VA 22314 Advertised For Sale"
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323 S Pitt St, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

$1,199,500 ↔ Alexandria VA 22314

Should you lose sleep over buying a home like 323 S Pitt St in the Alexandria area? Besides, you might find something you don't like in the Old Town association documents. Above all, Julie Nesbitt can explain to you how to void the contract with no issues so that you don't get stuck in an association that doesn't benefit you the shopper. On the other hand, there are other problems which can be challenging to overcome.  But even so, a real estate professional like Julie can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a dwelling in 22314 in Alexandria. Continue reading "323 S Pitt St, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch"
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505 Queen St, Alexandria VA 22314 On The Market

Alexandria Virginia Listed For Sale :: $1,469,900

Buying a home not unlike 505 Queen St is often the single biggest financial choice an individual from 22314 in the City of Alexandria will make. Not to mention, as a local licensed real estate adviser, Nesbitt Realty is a home hunter's adviser who knows the information and noncognitive support that property seekers need when identifying and buying a $1,469,900 3-bedroom property in 22314 in Alexandria. Furthermore, there are always dangers in Alexandria real estate.  But even so, a proactive pro like Nesbitt can guide you to manage or avoid many of the pitfalls  associated with buying a place of residence in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading "505 Queen St, Alexandria VA 22314 On The Market"
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906 S Washington St S #309, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

Place at Old Town

906 S Washington St S #309 is a great condo, However it's not for every buyer. It's a smart idea to sort out your priorities:
  1. What do you absolutely need from your property?
  2. What would be nice if you could find it?

Can you afford $300,000?

Or is your budget closer to $274,000? If you can afford $290,000, should you pay $290,000? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at neighborhood is electric. How important is it that you stay in 22314? Have you considered neighboring areas? Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at neighborhood is electric. Continue reading "906 S Washington St S #309, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory"
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Interesting Listings For Property Seekers Dreaming About A Choice Interior Unit Townhouse In The City Of Alexandria

As a matter of course, you can find a choice interior unit townhouse in the City of Alexandria in the Northern Virginia area. But there are only a limited number of choice places in Alexandria, Virginia. Possibly one of them is the best choice of residence for you. If it's not 509 N West St, then it might be one of the properties listed below. As a buyer you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a home in the City of Alexandria.  Ask Will Nesbitt to explain the benefits of buying. He can help. Continue reading "Interesting Listings For Property Seekers Dreaming About A Choice Interior Unit Townhouse In The City Of Alexandria"

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